Basic training
Prepare for your new career
Learn about the Collège's different programs. An up-to-date, high-quality education offered by the best real estate teachers in Québec.
Our training formats
Hybrid Basic training
The hybrid formula allows students to combine distance and in-person learning.
Available in French or English, following a day or evening/weekend schedule, the student can benefit from the advantages of both types of teaching.
The virtual class days make it possible to reconcile personal and professional life, and in-person days offer the opportunity to exchange with other students in a classroom environment.
For virtual days, according to a specific schedule, the teacher and students connect to a virtual platform simultaneously through a computer, tablet or mobile device connected to the Internet. For in-person class days, students travel to the designated campus.

Virtual Basic training
All programs are available in a virtual classroom. This enables students to better balance their personal and professional life. At specific times, the teacher and students log on to a virtual platform simultaneously through a computer, tablet or mobile device connected to the Internet. Classes are held during the day, or evenings and weekends.
All participants can interact directly, which promotes dialogue and the acquisition of knowledge. Course sessions are stored on the platform and are accessible following recording; students can therefore have access to recodings for the duration of their program, to listen to a course again at their convenience.

Correspondence Basic training
Our residential real estate brokerage and commercial real estate brokerage programs are offered by correspondence, as well as our Commercial / and Residential specialization programs. With this teaching formula, the student has the opportunity to go through his program at his schedule, choosing the program lasting 6 months or 10 months for residential, and 4 months for commercial specialization.
For the correspondence formula, you must demonstrate autonomy, discipline and good time management in order to complete the courses successfully. An academic coach is assigned for each course, and an introductory session will be scheduled at the start of each course in the program. The student will be able to communicate with him or her, if necessary, throughout the course. This program, although autonomous, presents a course order, from the beginning of the program. Final exams take place virtually.